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  • About
  • Services

Hello I'm Waqas Ahmad!

Elevate Your Online Presence with My Expert Web Development Services: From PHP to ReactJs, I specialize in crafting bespoke solutions tailored to your unique needs. With expertise in Laravel, CodeIgniter, WordPress, and more, I deliver seamless web experiences that drive growth and innovation.
Whether you need e-commerce solutions, CMS integration, or social media integration, I have the tools and expertise to bring your vision to life. Whether you're embarking on a fresh venture or aiming to amplify your online impact, I'm here to optimize your development journey and propel your digital presence to extraordinary heights. Connect with me today, and let's collaborate on crafting something truly remarkable!

Who am I?

I'm Waqas Ahmad, a Full-Stack Web Developer

I’m an experienced PHP backend developer, and I've spent over 10 years making websites work better and look great. Whether you need a site built from scratch or want to improve an existing one, I’m here to help. My toolbox is packed with skills in PHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, and WordPress. Let’s create something amazing together!

Here’s what I excel at:

  • Solving problems: I don't just write code; I think carefully about what you need and make software that works really well.
  • Technical Expertise: I’m skilled in PHP, especially with frameworks like Laravel, CodeIgniter, and WordPress. I’m also good with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and tools that keep websites running smoothly.
  • Delivering Results: I focus on making software that’s fast, safe, and does what you want it to do.

I also bring a wealth of technical skills:

  • PHP Development: With extensive experience, I craft secure and proficient web solutions using CodeIgniter, Laravel and WordPress.
  • RESTful APIs: I design and build secure APIs for perfect integration with your services.
  • RabbitMQ : I'm an expert in RabbitMQ, a key technology for implementing event-driven architectures.
  • Front-End Development: Skilled in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, I make sure the user interface is beautiful and responsive.
  • Database Management: As an expert in MySQL, I manage high traffic with ease, plus I have experience in MongoDB for specialized data solutions.
  • Version Control: Proficient with Git systems (GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket), I ensure smooth code management and collaboration.
  • System Administration: My abilities extend to Linux server administration, and I’m familiar with configuring both Apache and Nginx as well as managing cPanel/WHM for the best performance and security.
  • CI/CD Processes: Using GitLab, I streamline development workflows to speed up delivery without sacrificing quality.

Additional services I offer include:

  • Integrations with social media and diverse payment gateways.
  • Robust solutions for databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and MSSQL.
  • WordPress Theme Integration, WordPress Blog Setup, WordPress WooCommerce Store setup
  • Ongoing website maintenance, quick bug fixes, speed enhancements, and database query optimization.
  • Creation of custom content management systems and E-commerce platforms with Laravel or CodeIgniter.
  • Specialized knowledge in developing crowd-sourcing platforms.

Let's collaborate to transform your vision into reality. Whether you're launching a new venture or enhancing your digital presence, I'm here to streamline your development process and elevate your online presence to new heights. Reach out today, and let's build something incredible together!

Connect with me

HTML & CSS,Tailwind CSS


PHP (Laravel|CodeIgniter)


Databases (MySQL | MongoDB)


Web Services


Third party Integration


Javascript & JQuery




Web Server Management (Apache, Nginx)


Version Control:(SVN,GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket),






Here's what I'm good at

These are the services I offer

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Tailored Web Development Solutions in CodeIgniter and Laravel,to meet your unique business needs, crafted with precision and creativity.

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E-commerce Development

From setting up your online store to optimizing sales, we specialize in creating seamless e-commerce experiences

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Content Management

Harness the power of WordPress or custom-built CMS solutions for efficient content management and website control.

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